Monday, September 9, 2013


The last three years of my life have not seen any material and monetary upward mobility which always is a morale affecting happening but one of the very few things that keep me motivated and kept me engaged in this period is my admiration of our Constitution. I would say that Indian Constitutional document is the most sacred one I have ever read so far and every second time I read this I get a different view about this prestigious nation and the ideals and philosophies of the sculptors of our polity. 
                               There are many extra-ordinary features which could be found in our Constitution that makes her a unique one. However I am more attracted by the provisions of this reverent institution than that by her features.
                            The first and fore-most that rush into my mind is the Article : 38(2) which necessitates the State to minimize the inequalities in income and ELIMINATE the inequalities of status, opportunities and facilities not just amongst individuals but also among people belonging to different regions and  engaged in different vocations. This is not a part of the original Constitution but was incorporated in the late 1970’s.
                              I consider this provision to be one of the most pragmatically drafted one as it wants the State to minimize the inequalities in income, which cannot be assured to be eliminated, for, there are different vocations which people engage in and also because of the already prevalent different economic status.  But having understood that it would be difficult and quite impractical to eliminate income disparity between skilled and un-skilled employees, our political executives and legislators had included the best part in the second part of this clause ie “eliminate inequalities in status, facilities and opportunities”.
                                The State shall strive to provide every one of this nation with equal facilities and opportunities so that there isn’t any societal status difference among the inhabitants irrespective of the fact that societal discrimination already persist. Herein our beloved political class have shown their maturity and want to make the preamble-ideology of social justice a reality. So how do we vest the socially backward sections of our society an equal opportunity with that of those who invariably discriminated against them? Reservation and special economic and educational assistance are the answers and they find their place appropriately in our Constitution. 

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