Thursday, November 14, 2013


                          Hearing some noise around while speaking through mobile phone,she inquired me what it is. She immediately wanted me to give the phone to the bird when I told it was that of a bird.

When I said that it is in a tree and that I would not be able to reach it to give the phone, she replied "Ok, then ask him to come to Nagercoil. Darshi wants to meet him." And the next time when she called me, the first thing to come was "rajupppaaa, antha bird why didn't it meet me yet?" .

During her KG admission interview she had been asked to identify a colour. She replied immediately to the interviewer "neenga sollunga.(You please identify)" The remark in the interview was "SO SMART" and even now she remains the same but the remark was "OVER SETTAI".

While her Principal was in for a surprise inspection to the class and was inquiring the faculty, she apparently had approached the teaching faculty and asked her "Yesterday you promised to tell us a story and  are yet to tell. CHAA." The Principal appeared to have busted out laughing as so is the faculty.

While she met with minor injuries multiple times in a shorter span my mom appeared to have said "THIRUSTI PATTIRUKKUM. SUTHHI PODANUM." The next time when she had fallen down she herself  had told "appamma, suthhi podunga. thirusti pattudichi."

Semmma kedi she is.

Note:  I do not know what is thirusti in English.
While a puppy in our home was dead, she was informed that the puppy was taken to Chennai to meet her amma dog so that she would feed the puppy properly and the puppy remains healthy.

Now she became interested and started inquiring about the whereabouts of

"appa dog, thangachi dog, chittappa dog, thaathaa dog and the appamma dog too".  Total family damage.

Its more funny when she inquired about the two chittappa dogs "rajuppa dog and gokul chitthappaa dog". DARSHI DARSHI


The second kid DHEEKSHI is just learning to speak and would repeat what ever we say. If I say Tendulkar she perhaps would say " ten den daa". I haven't have tried it although.


                                        WOULD NEVER END

Sunday, October 27, 2013


தொப்புள் கொடி
அறுக்கும் போதே
திறக்கப்படும்  மரண வாசல்- அது 
காத்திருக்கும் காற்றுள்ளவரை 
கவர்ந்து கொள்ளும் 
உடல் காற்றடைப்பின்.

Monday, September 9, 2013


The last three years of my life have not seen any material and monetary upward mobility which always is a morale affecting happening but one of the very few things that keep me motivated and kept me engaged in this period is my admiration of our Constitution. I would say that Indian Constitutional document is the most sacred one I have ever read so far and every second time I read this I get a different view about this prestigious nation and the ideals and philosophies of the sculptors of our polity. 
                               There are many extra-ordinary features which could be found in our Constitution that makes her a unique one. However I am more attracted by the provisions of this reverent institution than that by her features.
                            The first and fore-most that rush into my mind is the Article : 38(2) which necessitates the State to minimize the inequalities in income and ELIMINATE the inequalities of status, opportunities and facilities not just amongst individuals but also among people belonging to different regions and  engaged in different vocations. This is not a part of the original Constitution but was incorporated in the late 1970’s.
                              I consider this provision to be one of the most pragmatically drafted one as it wants the State to minimize the inequalities in income, which cannot be assured to be eliminated, for, there are different vocations which people engage in and also because of the already prevalent different economic status.  But having understood that it would be difficult and quite impractical to eliminate income disparity between skilled and un-skilled employees, our political executives and legislators had included the best part in the second part of this clause ie “eliminate inequalities in status, facilities and opportunities”.
                                The State shall strive to provide every one of this nation with equal facilities and opportunities so that there isn’t any societal status difference among the inhabitants irrespective of the fact that societal discrimination already persist. Herein our beloved political class have shown their maturity and want to make the preamble-ideology of social justice a reality. So how do we vest the socially backward sections of our society an equal opportunity with that of those who invariably discriminated against them? Reservation and special economic and educational assistance are the answers and they find their place appropriately in our Constitution. 

Saturday, September 7, 2013


அன்புசார் கடவுளுக்கு,
                                      நான் இங்கு நலம். பீகாரில் புத்த-கயாவிலும், இஸ்ரேலிலும்,கேதர்நாத்திலும்  உங்கள் நலமின்மை குறித்து ஊடகங்களில் வரும் செய்திகள் கண்டு, மனம் வருந்தி, உங்கள் நலம் வேண்டி,நீங்கள்  நலம் பெறுவீர் என்ற  நம்பிக்கையுடன்  உங்களுக்கே இக்கடிதம் எழுதிகிறேன்.

                                      கடிதம் எழுதுவது முடிவாயிற்று. நீங்கள் படைத்த தாய்-தகப்பன் இல்லாத குழந்தைகளை இச்சமூகம் விலாசம் இல்லாதவன் என்று அழைப்பது போல விலாசம் இல்லா உங்களுக்கு, எப்படி கடிதம் எழுத? எழுதினாலும், அவை  யாரிடம் பொய் சேரும்? யார் சேர்ப்பார்? என்ற கேள்விகளுக்கான பதில் நான் தேட முனைவது இல்லை. பெரும்பாலும் திரும்ப பதில் எழுத முடியாதவர்களுக்கோ  இல்லை திரும்ப பதில் சொல்ல விரும்பாதவர்களுக்கு மட்டுமே நான் இது வரையில் கடிதம் எழுதி இருக்கிறேன் .

                                       அவை, ஓன்று என் மகளுக்கான கடிதம் மற்றவை மக்களாட்சி முறையில் அமைக்க பெற்ற அரசாங்கத்திற்கான  கடிதம்.நான் எழுதும் மொழியை இது வரையில் புரிந்து கொள்ள முடியாததால் என் மகள் பதில் சொல்ல வில்லை. பதில் சொல்ல முடியாத அளவுக்கு நிறைய கேள்விகள் அரசாங்கத்திடம் அதிகம் மக்களால் கேட்கபடுவதால், பெரும்பாலும் அவர்களும் பதில் சொல்வதில்லை.எனவே பதில் எதிர்பார்த்து நான் இக்கடிதம் ஏற்றவில்லை.

                                    எனினும்,பதில் தருவதாய் நீங்கள்  முடிவு செய்தால் எந்த மொழியுலும் பதில் தரலாம்.  இந்தியாவில் இருக்கும் ஏசுவிற்கு தமிழ் தெரிந்திருக்கிறது , அவர் ஆப்பிரிக்க மொழியும் பேசுவதாய் நான் அறிகிறேன். சிவனும் நேபாள மொழியும் படித்திருக்கிறார் நாகா மொழியும் புரிந்துகொள்கிறார்.புத்தர் ஆசிய மொழிகள் பலவற்றை பேசுகிறார் போலும்.எனவே  உங்கள் பன் மொழி புலமை  போல, பூலோகத்தில் என் சக மனிதன் கண்டுபிடித்த மொழிபெயர்ப்பு மென்பொருள்கள் எனக்கு தகுந்த உதவி தரும்.எனவே செம்மொழி  தமிழில் தான் நீர் பதில் தர வேண்டிய அவசியமும் இல்லை.

                                 நேற்று என் வீட்டின் அருகில் இருக்கும் ஒரு கோவிலில் உனக்கு டாட்டா சொல்லிவிட்டு, நீ திரும்ப சொல்லாததால் என் மகள் உன் மேல் கோபத்துடன் இருக்கிறாள். மேலும் தப்பு செய்தால் இறைவன் தண்டனை தருவார் என்று சொன்ன என்னிடம் "அப்போம், இந்த DEER-ஆ அடிச்சு, சாப்பிட்ட LION-க்கு இன்னும் ஏன் Punish தரல? " என்று Discovery Satellite Channel பார்த்து விட்டு அவள் கேட்கிறாள். பதில் நீயும் சொல்வதாய்  இல்லை நானும் சொல்லவில்லை.

                                   அவளுக்கு எழும் கேள்விகள் போல எனக்கும் சில கேள்விகள் அவ்வபோது எழுகிறது.முடிந்தால் கேள்விகளையாவது மட்டும் படியும்.

                              சமீபத்தில் தர்மபுரியில் வெவ்வேறு சாதியை சார்ந்த இருவர் திருமணம் செய்ததால் , அங்கே அரங்கேறிய அடக்கு முறை அட்டூழியங்களை உனக்கு உன் உளவு துறை அறிக்கையாக , அது நடக்கும் முன்னரே ஏன் தரவில்லை? அவ்வாறு தந்திருந்தால் உன்னால் அந்த தவறு நடக்க முடியாது செய்திருக்க முடியுமே? கேதர்நாத்தில் அரங்கேறிய இயற்க்கை சீற்றங்களின் நடுவே நீ மட்டும் உன்னை பிழைக்க வைத்து உன் சக்தியை வெளிப்படுத்தி , உன் பக்திமான்களையும் கவர்ந்திருக்கறாயே ,அது போல ஏதாவது திருவிளையாடலா இது ? நீ உன் சக்தியை பூலோக மனிதர்களும்,அடுத்த மதத்தை சார்ந்த  உன் போட்டி கடவுள்களும் புரிய வைக்க , ஏதோ திருவிளையாடல்-II பாகம்  விளையாடுகிறாயா?




Monday, September 2, 2013


                                                   FOOD SECURITY

                                      The Prevention of Cruelties against Animals Act imposes a penal charge of just 50 INR for the first time offence and even in repeat-offence case the penalty is not deterring. Top up another 50 INR and go ahead with repeated VIOLENCE. Amidst many such outdated laws in our country there are also splendid attempts being made by the political class in bringing flagship legislations like the recent Food Security Bill. I am inclined to give my restricted opinion on this bill in this article and at the very outset I request the reader not to get prejudiced and judge me by my name. I SWEAR that am politically un-biased.
                                          The Food Security is criticized for prospective increase in the Fiscal Deficit of the country which already is rising at an alarming rate. With burgeoning inflation, reducing investment, deteriorating growth and unconvincingly low other macro-economic indicators some feel that it is not the right time to have introduced the bill. They blame the government squarely for the mis-timings of this bill and puts forth the sudden fall in the Stock market values as a response of the general public to this initiative. However they have failed to note that the financial outlay for FSB is already being reckoned with in the Budget 2013-14 and this bill is on the making for a decade and was one of the widely deliberated draft bills by the Parliamentary Standing Committee.
                                    More than all these with over 25% of the World’s undernourished population living in India and about 40% of the children under-5 as malnourished and underweight it becomes imperative for the State to vest the public with a legal entitlement that assures them of their food necessity. This in addition would help in reducing the health expenditure and improve health indicators of this nation. The demographic dividend of this nation shall be positively tapped only if the people are vested with the basic necessity of assured food which would help them in concentrating on their tasks and hence help in improving skills and productivity. And the FSB is so comprehensive that it even attempts to bring in social empowerment by making the eldest adult women of the household as the head of the family which again is in response to the prevailing social value of women being responsible for the family management. By bringing the ICDS, maternal and material assistance to pregnant and lactating women, supplemental nutrition supply to malnourished children as a legal entitlement it aims at a holistic solution to the prevalent condition of mal-nutrition.

                     The capitalist classes’ opposition to the bill as a non-productive expenditure is thus unfounded and they have to understand that without improvement in the human resource indices they could not tap the skills of the demographic potential that is prospectively inherent in our society.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

மகளே ! மதியே !


மகளே ! மதியே !

பாசம் பேசும், வாசம் வீசும்
மழலையே !

மோசம் போகும் நாச உலகின்
 பிழை திருத்தமே !


மகளே ! மதியே !

வேடம் ஏற்று,வெளியில் செல்வேன்
உன்னிடம்  மட்டும்,வேடம் கலைவேன்

வேதம் நான்கும்  சொல்பவை  அறியேன்
உந்தன்  சொற்கள் -மறக்கவும் அறியேன்


மகளே ! மதியே !

நாட்கள் செல்ல
நீயோ வளர்கிறாய்
நானோ  தவிழ்கிறேன்.

மகளே ! மதியே !
உன்முன் -தோற்க தயாரில்லை
உன்னிடம்-தோற்க தயக்கமில்லை

Friday, August 2, 2013

Friendship day

                    Thanks to the mobile communication media and their 'cartalised' tariff plans, now-a-days I dont forget any important marketable events and days. Friendship day is about to be celebrated this week and no wonder the social media is and would be replete with too many wishes and shares regarding this event for a week atleast. There are even pictures and statuses celebrating the completion of a year of friendship and so on. Friendship is something special. Friends are the first choice I have made myself-on my own- I believe. While I was thinking about my friends and the time-span of such friendships, these guys however struck my mind.

                     I have heard that the President of US calls our nation a ‘natural ally’ although he appears to be behaving the opposite particularly when it comes to matters of regional importance. However in my private discourse, when it comes to matters of friendship I can comfortably use the same ‘natural ally’ when I think about my two close-distant friends. They are the one with whom I have been sharing my life for over 27 years. Though I did not have a role in selecting them we became natural allies from the period since we started sharing our mother’s womb non-concurrently. From then started our journey of being together and thus evolved our friendship. The senior-junior respect was never a limiting factor in our friendship and in fact the lack of it was the unifying one.

                             We shared our dresses, the foot-wears, our books, our mistakes, our mischief etc. Can I ever forget about the adulthood immoralities we had perpetuated in those period? From sharing CDs to beedis, from correcting post man to ensure that the college internal marks-sheet doesn’t reach our parents to our collaborative efforts in correcting our classmates or colleagues. I believe both my brothers introduced their lover-turned-spouses to each other before introducing them to me or my parents. We sat together in college ‘kutty-suvars’, attended college symposiums together and yes you are right, you know the reason.

                               Of late I have seen some short films where-in some acquaintance would act as father of students when they are summoned by the college management. But my eldest brother had performed the role of an emotional-elder brother in our college when my other brother was summoned to bring our parents for want of attendance. The ease with which had performed that role was simply magnificent and he would pretend to be assaulting the other in front of the department HOD, hearing that there was a lack of sufficient attendance. The HOD ostensibly was so emotionally upset and had even advised my eldest brother to control his anger as he is a younger fellow. However that was not the first time my eldest bro had capped such a role for he had been doing this for our friends too back home and was a well-sought brother hence.

                             The comfort with which we have been living together is so extra-ordinary. I don’t believe that anyone would be able to differentiate even our friends for any one’s friend is totally a friend of all. Though our friends would call my brother as ‘anna’ that would not be a distancing friendship at any means. We are bonded together. With growing years the love and care we have for each other is growing miles as so is our understanding of one another.

                           I can think about a scene in Tamil film ‘Anandam’-sorry, I am least exposed to the highly marketable Hollywood movies- wherein the main protagonist would look at the face of his younger brother and both would understand and hence try to console each other through their facial expressions, and I can proudly admit that we have such understandings some times. However the post marriage untoward events are not that much evident in our life so far, thanks to our sister-in-laws. In fact there are attempts made by our sister-in-law to present ourselves in a uniform in some events and she had even succeeded twice.

                      That doesn’t mean that we brothers haven’t have fought for any reason, for we had fought for even the simplest things, for snacks, for control over TV remote, for bowling so faster while playing cricket etc. It’s a different story that the snacks had become a unifying factor when it turned as a side-dish now. There were comparisons of each other’s academic performance by our parents and hence ensuing fights. Such comparisons prevail even now. While it was academic profile then it is spouse’s accommodation now. But our understanding have matured to another level that nothing could simplistically ostracize us. I simply admire my eldest one for his never-ever reaction when his daughter appears to be too attached to me than to him although she is too close to him by heart. My nieces are now playing the role of a 'unifier' and three family-joined-families is the result.

                                I havent have addressed them as annas and neither do they call me as thambi. But I understand their strength, actually it is their common strength. “Itsshhh me..”.  Haven’t you heard about “thambi udaiyaan padaikku anjaan”?

                          ‘Love you bro’ would be a restrictive Westernised expression of the friendship and love that we have for each other and Tamil comes handy here 

“நண்பர்கள் நான் தேட வாய்ப்பு தராத நண்பர்கள் " 

Dei annangala,

Happy friendship day ….Cheers…

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Story narration

                                  Many a time people get annoyed and avoid my company when I admit my ignorance about 'Lady Gaga'. Albeit I am neither worried nor puzzled when they belittle my interest in listening to songs of  'Gana Bala'.

Two weeks from now I would celebrate Indian Independence-from the Colonial IMPERIALISTS- day with them.

Dear T.Rajendhar sir, neenga appavae sonnenga....."You are trying to suppress,oppress and depress the views of a ......."

However, my daughter and I are mutual fans of each others' story narration.One such narration by my kid. Of course, a cute one.

Monday, July 22, 2013

அன்புச் செல்விகளுக்கு

அன்பு மகள்களுக்கு,

                       'நலம் நலமறிய ஆவல்' என்று பாரம்பரியமாய் தொடங்கப்படும் உறவு முறை தமிழ் கடிதங்கள் போல் நம் கடிதம் தொடங்கபடவேண்டிய அவசியம் இல்லை.ஏனனில் இக்கடிதம் எழுதும் போது நீங்கள் என் அருகிலே இருக்கிறீர்கள்.மேலும் உங்கள் நலம் சார்ந்தே எங்கள் நலம் இருப்பதால், நம் நலம் பிரித்து சொல்லப்பட வேண்டியது அன்று.இன்று நாம் நலமாய் இருக்கிறோம், நாளை பற்றிய எதிர்பார்ப்பும்,நம்பிக்கையும் உண்டு. எனவே நாம் நலமாய் இருப்போம்.

                        இன்று தீக்ஷி குட்டிசெல்லத்தின் முதல் பிறந்த நாள். சில நாட்கள் முன்பு தான், உன்னை அறுவை சிகிச்சை அறையின் வெளியில் நின்றுகொண்டு வரவேற்றது போலிருந்தது.அதற்குள் ஒரு வருடம் கடந்திருக்கிறது.
சொல்ல போனால் நம் வாழ்வின் கடந்த மூன்று வருடங்கள் மிகவும் வேகமாகவே சென்றிருக்கின்றன.

                          உங்கள் அருகில் இருக்கும் போது வேகமாய் பூமி சுழல்வது போலவும், உங்களிடம் இருந்து தள்ளி வருகையில் ஏதோ நோயாளியின் இரவு போலவும் அது சுழல்வதாய் தெரிகிறது.காலம் ஒரு காலன். அது நமக்கு பிடிக்கும் போது வேகாமகவும், நாம் வெறுக்கும் போது மெதுவாக முடிவெடுக்கும் அரசாங்கம் போலவும் கடக்கும்.எனினும் உணர்ச்சிகளுக்கு மதில் எழுப்பிவிட்டு, எதார்த்தமாய் யோசித்து பார்க்க முயற்சிக்கிறேன்.

                              என் வாழ்வின் கடந்த மூன்று வருடங்கள் மட்டும் வேகமாய் சென்றதற்கு காரணம், என் அன்புச்செல்விகளான உங்களால் தான்.இந்நாட்களில் உங்கள்
வாழ்க்கையின் ஒவ்வொரு கட்ட வளர்ச்சியையும் அருகில் இருந்து பார்த்து கொண்டிருக்கிறேன்.உங்களின் வளர்ச்சி இந்நாட்களில் வேகமாய் இருந்திருக்கிறது.உங்களின் இன்றைய முதிர்ச்சியையும் நேற்றைய முயற்சியையும் ஒரு சேர என் மனதில் நிறுத்தி இருப்பதால் வந்த குழப்பம் இது.

                   நீங்கள் குப்புற படுக்க ஆரம்பித்த போது, என் நினைவில் உங்கள் கழுத்து உறைத்தது ஞாபகம் இருக்கும்.தவிழ ஆரம்பிக்கும் போது கவிழ்ந்து,கழுத்து தூக்கி,முகம் பார்த்து சிரித்தது  நினைவில் நிற்கும்.நடக்க ஆரம்பிக்கையில் ,நடக்க முயற்சித்து விழுந்து,எழுந்து,சிரித்து, அழுதது கண்களில் பிம்பம் ஆடும். இன்று "May,I come in madam?" என்று தர்ஷி சொல்லும் போது,நீ "மத்தாப்பு" -வை, "அப்பாத்து" என்று சொன்னது ஞாபகம் வரும். மொத்தத்தில் இன்று நடப்பதையும்,நேற்று நடந்ததையும் ஒரு சேர நினைவில் கொள்ள முயற்சிப்பதால்,என்றோ நடந்தவை நேற்று நடந்தது போல் தோன்றுகிறது. இதனால் தான்  கடந்த மூன்று வருடங்கள் வேகமாய் சென்றது போல் எனக்கு
தெரிந்திருக்கிறது .

                           சில தினங்கள் முன்பு எதோ ஒரு விவாதம் விளையாட்டாய்  வீட்டில் நடக்கும் போது தர்ஷி செல்லம், "நீங்க,சித்தி பேச்சு தான் கேட்டு நடப்பீங்களா?" என்று கேள்வி கேட்டாய். குரல் தான் உன்னுடையது. வார்த்தையும் வாக்கியமும் உன்னுடையது அல்ல.பதில் இன்று கோகுல் சித்தப்பாவும், நாளை நானும் சொல்ல வேண்டியது.

                             அப்பம்மாவை எனக்கு பிடிக்கும் அவளை விட தாத்தாவை எனக்கு பிடிக்கும். இன்று எனக்கு உங்களை அதிகமாய் பிடிக்கிறது. ஒருவேளை நாளை என் வாழ்வில் வரும் புது உறவுகளினால், நான் இன்று உங்கள் மீது வைத்திருக்கும் அன்பு குறைந்து விடுமோ என்று எனக்கு பயம் ஒன்றும் இல்லை. நாம் நல்லவனாய் வாழ, யாரிடமும் அனுமதி வாங்க அவசியம் இல்லை.நாம் நாமாக வாழவும் தான்.அது நம் கையில் தான் உள்ளது.

                        என் விந்திட்ட விதையாய் நாளை ஒரு குழந்தை என்னை அப்பா  என்று அழைக்கும் போதும் நீங்கள் என்னை ராஜுப்பா என்று அழைத்தது தான் எனக்கு ஞாபகம் வரும்.அவனுக்கு என் மொத்த அன்பையும் கொடுப்பதாய் யோசனை இல்லை.அன்பு ஒன்றே மனிதனால் அளவின்றி கொடுக்க முடிந்த பொருள். என் மொத்த அன்பும் உங்கள் அனைவருக்கும் சேர்த்தே கொடுக்கப்படும்.பிரித்து கொடுப்பதில் எனக்கு உடன்பாடு இல்லை.

                        தர்ஷி,நீ  பிறந்த போது உன்னை வரவேற்க என்னிடம் இரண்டு கைகளே இருந்தன.தீக்ஷி பிறக்கையில், உன் கைகளும் சேர்த்து நான்கு கைகள் தங்கையை வரவேற்க.நாளை நம் ஆறு கைகளும் சேர்ந்து கோகுல் சித்தப்பாவின் குழந்தையை ஏந்தும்.கவலை வேண்டாம் யாருக்கும்.

                             சில நாட்கள் முன் வீட்டில் இருந்து சென்னைக்கு திரும்ப வேண்டிய சூழ்நிலையில், வெளியே வரும் போது, பிரிவையும் பரிவையும் உள்ளுக்குள் அடக்கி உங்களுக்கு டாட்டா சொல்லிவிட்டு வரும்போது  வலித்தது.என்னையே பார்த்துகொண்டிருந்த உங்கள் தாத்தாவின் கண்களில் அதே பிரிவும் பரிவும் ஒளித்து வைக்கபட்டிருந்ததை நான் புரிந்து கொண்டேன்.மூன்று வயதோட மட்டும் அல்ல உங்களுக்கு முப்பது வயது ஆகும் போதும் உங்கள் மேல் என் தந்தையை  போல் எனக்கும்  இதே பாசம் தொடர வேண்டும்.தொடரும்.

                              " கூட்டுக் குடும்பத்தில் வளரும் குழந்தைகள் உண்மையில் கொடுத்து வைத்தவர்கள் " என்ற வாக்கியம் இப்போது தான் எனக்கு புரிய ஆரம்பிக்கிறது.உங்களை நான்கு விரல்கள் அடிக்க முற்படும் போது அதை தடுக்க எட்டு கைகள் வரும்.  உங்களுக்கு பிடித்தவைகளை செய்ய ஒருவரிடமும் , அவர்களுக்கு பிடித்தது போல் ஒருவரிடமும் நீங்கள் நடந்து கொள்ள முடியும். ஒரு சமன்பட்ட வாழ்க்கைக்கான பல வாய்ப்புகள் நம் வீட்டுக்குள்ளே உங்களுக்கு கிடைக்கும்.

                               தமிழும் கற்கலாம், ஆங்கிலமும் கற்று கொடுக்கலாம்.எதையும் தயங்காமல் அப்பாவிடம் கேள்,
அவர் இல்லையென்று சொல்ல மாட்டார் என்று சொல்லவும் ஆள் இருக்கும். அப்பா இல்லை என்று சொல்ல முடியாததை   மட்டும் கேட்க பழகு செல்லமே  என்றும் உங்களுக்கு சொல்லி தரவும்  மனிதர்கள் உண்டு. சர்ச் போகவும் முடியும்,
பிள்ளையாருக்கு டாட்டாவும் சொல்லலாம்.

                              சமீப நாட்களாய் நீங்கள் அதிகமாய் எங்களை பின்பற்ற ஆரம்பித்து  இருக்கிறீர்கள்.நாங்கள் செய்பவைகளை திரும்ப செய்யும் முயற்சி உங்களிடம் தெரிகிறது.வீட்டின்
வெளியே செருப்பை கழட்டி விட்டு உள்ளே வருவது போல, சமீப காலங்களாய் என்னுடைய அயோக்கியத்தனங்களை வெளியில் இறக்கி வைத்து விட்டு  வருகிறேன்.எல்லா குழந்தைகளுக்கும் தங்கள் தகப்பன்கள் தான் முதல் கதாநாயகர்கள்.கூட்டு குடும்பத்தில் நிறைய நாயகன்-நாயகிகள். எனக்கு பிடித்த பாட்டை கூட உங்கள் முன் பாட யோசிக்கிறேன் இப்போது. "காசு,பணம்,துட்டு,money,money" என்ற பாட்டை தர்ஷிமா "காசே, துட்டே,money " என்று பாடுகிறாய்.

                           இரண்டு அபிப்ராயங்களை உங்களுக்கு சொல்ல விருப்பப்படுகிறேன் .

                            இக்கடிதம் உங்களுக்கு புரிய வரும் காலத்தில்
"I love you. I miss you"  என்ற வார்த்தைகள் உங்கள் சமூகத்தில் சரளமாய்,தாராளமாய் உபயோக படுத்தப்படும். எனினும் யாரிடம்,எத்தனை பேரிடம் அதை சொல்வதென்று நீங்கள் தான் முடிவு செய்வீர்கள். கொஞ்சம் தீர்க்கமாய் அதை முடிவு செய்வீர்கள் என்று நம்பிக்கை உண்டு.

                                   எனக்கு நிறைய நண்பர்கள் உண்டு என்று சொல்லி கொள்பவன் , பெரும்பாலும் அவன் அவனாக இருக்கும் ஆடம்பர வாழ்க்கையை இழக்கிறான்.சமூக வலைதளங்களில் இருக்கும் நண்பர்கள் எண்ணிக்கை வைத்து உங்கள் நட்பு முடிவு செய்யப்பட்டு விடகூடாது.
விடாது, நம்புகிறேன்.

                                                    அன்பு தொடரும்..................

Sunday, July 7, 2013


          சேட்டை செய்தே
          கோபிக்க  வைப்பாள்,
          அவளை சேட்டை செய்யாமல்
          கோபித்து கொள்வாள்.

          என் தாயை
          பெயர் சொல்லி அழைப்பாள்
          என் தந்தைக்கும்
          முடி வருடி கொடுப்பாள்
           மைதானம் சென்று
          விளையாட அழைப்பாள்,
          விளையாடி தளர்ந்தால்
          வியர்வை துடைப்பாள்.

         அளவின்றி அன்பை
         திரும்ப தருவாள்,
         என் மேல்
         என் தந்தை அன்பை
         அளந்து புரிய வைப்பாள்
          பூச்சாண்டி கதைகள்
          பூச்செண்டாய் அடுக்கடுக்கி
          கற்பனைகள் சேர்ப்பாள்.

          அழாமல்  பள்ளி செல்லும்
          வித்தை கற்கிறாள்
          அழுதே சாதிக்கும் வித்தையை
           மறக்க மறுக்கிறாள்

           சோற்றை வாயில் திணிக்கும்
           தன்  தாயிடம்
           "எம்மா ,என்ன ஏன் தான்
            இந்த பாடு படுத்றாங்களோ ?"
            சோறு திங்க
            தங்கை மறுத்தால்
            உணவை வாயின்
            உள்ளே தள்ள முனைவாள்.

            கடவுளுக்கும் 'good bye'
            சொல்வாள் ,
            அவர் சொல்ல மறுக்க
            'bad boy' என்பாள்.


Friday, June 28, 2013

Information is wealth but at what cost?

                             Friends, don’t worry if you have mistakenly deleted any important e-mails or texts/pictures communicated through social networking sites etc, for Nobel Peace Laureate and International Human Rights Saviour Shri.Barack Obama would have a copy of them, and access them if so through your lobbying skill. 

                           So aren't you aware of PRISM? While prism in scientific physical concept is excessively colourful, the one by Mr. President is boundlessly controversial which authenticates official access to personal communication through internet in order to safeguard national security without due concern to individual privacy. By the way, we have to submit our gratitude to the internet content providers and others who take extra efforts to protect our privacy but end up finally giving back-door access to governmental organisations.
                               Thus majority of the private communications that are ultimately routed through internet are filtered at the ‘global gateway’ of United States irrespective of the place of their origin. Nonetheless do you think that our Indian Authorities would continue to be a dumb spectator in such an event? Nay, we are much more pragmatic and adaptive, and our efforts to institutionalise such a monitoring and surveillance of private data communication through the 21st Century devices on our own are under way. 

                               So gratify yourself that not just Barack Obama but our fellow locals Shri.ManMohan or why not it could be even Shri.Narendra Modi or Shri.Rahulji who would have safely accessed your private data before it reaches the intended recipient in the coming days. I beg your pardon hence to ensure that you mark a copy of such communication to them too in future so that you evolve a personal relationship with them as in social networking sites. 
                                What PRISM is all about? In simplistic terms it is a comprehensive system aimed at surveillance, monitoring and filtering of privately communicated data by ‘potentially culpable persons’ and to generate actionable report in order to ensure that they do not plot anything against the nation and cost its security. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is put to its best usage to ensure that this is achieved. Central Monitoring System(CMS) is the Indian equivalent of American PRISM which is under progress. However, who fall under culpable persons and what would cost national security are purposefully ill defined in Indian version.

                                  Although current institutions allow the administrative machinery to access those private data but only after having accorded with the necessary approvals from the Home Ministry. But the imminent CMS is alleged to be vested with right of unfettered access to data by intercepting the fixed,mobile, Internet Service Providers traffic, according to media reports. When such powers are vested in the name of national security without adequately protecting the privacy of individuals through proper legislative backup it is liable for misuse and abuse. The recent happening of tapping the telecommunication channel of opposition political party leader is a corroboration for potential misuse of such authority.
                                Freedom of speech and expression, right to life and personal liberty are Constitutionally guaranteed promises and it is the responsibility of a duty-bound government, be it the world's vibrant democracy or largest democracy, to safeguard them in addition to safeguarding national security, and there settles the happiness of being a democratic polity.


Sunday, June 23, 2013

Koojah 2 Beero

                                                 My aptitude to carry KOOJA was proved when I first carried lunch-bags

for my school teachers, to gain my nomination in class leadership.My 'orderly discipline' improved more

during college days and hence internal and practical marks followed suit.While working I could even carry a

BEERO for my project manager,no wonder, foreign visits and US Dollars were the result.


Friday, June 14, 2013

Ready for the 'corporatised' life

My father was advised to learn through experience and be content with what he has.

My father advised me to learn through 'formalised' educational system and grow socio-economically.Competition among fellow classmates are allowed but was advised not to be envious.

I am expected to  advise my daughter not just to grow at any cost but also to ensure that fellow competitors don't grow.

My daughter leaps from the divine, childish life to the highly competitive but apparently 'corruptive' social life.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


                                      My participation in democratic Indian Polity begins with a Facebook status update, languishes for likes of or comments about my status, gratifies when I get one, and the ‘vicious’ cycle fuels itself. I would superficially opine about all happenings around me, be it the foreign policy of Barack Obama or the financial exigency of  Power Star, the Mao-ism or the NaMo-ism. 
                                 I do not depend on the government for provision of basic essentiality- the food. In the exigency of food price going uncontrolled I have the extra comfort of affording the inflated price for the unbalanced demand-supply. So I am neither worried about monetised food subsidy nor about food security legislation.
                                     I am not a direct beneficiary of the supposedly flagship programme of Union Government - Right To Education and I can afford to educate my kids in any renowned private run educational institutions. May be my only demand in education front is that the government school teachers shall be vested with the same leniency as is the case now so that my father who is a government teacher earns extraordinarily through his private tuition. He is a nice gentleman who works hard and has consistently shaped centum scorers in his tuition. His dedication towards his tuition students is so outstanding that I envy him for it. Even Right To Information (RTI) is redundant to me for I enjoyed the privilege of assessing the information that are surreptitiously held in dark by our executives. The government was, is and would forever be transparent and accountable to me as I am a faithful client who pays the ‘service’ charges without any bargain.
                                   I am thankful to the government which have in successive years waived off agricultural loan. My farm with a farm house in it qualified under agricultural loan waiver. Here I wish to submit my gratitude to the bank officials who had not just helped me in availing of such a farm-loan but are also so affable when I approach them for any of the financial services. Prompt repayment of loans is an obsolete value belonging to the Kamba-Ramayana period.  But I feel depressed whenever I hear of suicides by farmers for being unable to repay their debts. I wish to inform them that the sub-prime customers in USA who couldn’t repay their debt back were the impetus to the 2008 economic crisis and wish our fellows too learn a lesson or two from them. Perhaps we can avail of different facilities like restructuring of loans  just like the Mallayas if we aren’t able to pay it else we must ensure that we avail a loan from a public sector bank or a co-operatives and wait till the government waives them off. 
                                    The shoddy implementation of tougher labour laws by the government in collusion with the private corporate companies isn’t an issue for me as I would put my conscientious effort in completing my official responsibilities. Hence the worry of being laid off by the company without serving proper notices and complying with legalities, and without due compensation being paid are matters of least interest to me. Neither the economic recession in 2008 could nor would the present grim services market cost me my job for I am confident about out-performing my fellow colleague.
                                  In this juncture I wish to present my suggestion to the customs authorities regarding an issue faced by us software professionals. Even though many of the officials are humane enough to allow us to carry objects like electronic goods, gold bullions, and foreign liquors in excess to the endorsed limit when we import them from a foreign country, some insensitive, non-humanistic officials restrict us and charge us a hefty customs duty. Keeping in mind the foreign currency we inject in to the Indian economic system, I wish the authorities concerned would increase the customs-exemption limit and show some leniency in its implementation. I do have many other suggestions which I would certainly take to the appropriate fora.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

போகிற போக்கில்

Ensure that you share a minimal part of your 'cutting' with your superior and senior officials, particularly with

those who are at the verge of retirement. They would do anything to protect themselves and hence you.-----

------up-growing officer 'Under the Table'  Arumugam.


கள்ளுக்கடையில 'சரக்கு' போடறதுக்கு முக்காடு போட்டு போனாங்க நம்ம

பயலுக  , இப்போ  Corporate Company Get Together -ல சரக்கு போடாததனால

தல குனிஞ்சி அவமானத்தோட வரானுங்க ...........THAT IS THE LIFE-----------------

சரக்கு போதையில்  'Quarter' Gopal.


அக்பருக்கு முன்னாடியே "secular-அ" இருந்ததும், கமல்ஹாசன விட அதிகமா

Get-up change பண்ணதும் எங்க பயலுக தான்.----------- School Leave-ல

அடுத்தடுத்து நடக்கும்  திருவிழா-ல கோவில்,மசூதி, சர்ச்னு பாகுபாடு

இல்லாம பிச்சை எடுக்கும் 'Beggar' BaalPaandi (spelling corrected for numerology).


 இது  Globalisation era. பட்டவராயருக்கு கடா வெட்டுனா, படையலோட ஒரு Full

FOREIGN சரக்கு தான் வேணும் ........................பட்டவராயரோட பூஜாரி மாடசாமி.

மேற்கு வங்காளத்தோட முதலமைச்சரா ஆனா கூட , 'எங்கம்மா'

தள்ளுவண்டியில வர காய்கறிக்காரன்ட பேரம் பேசாம வாங்க மாட்டாங்க....

Health Secretary, Govt.of Tamilnadu ஆனா கூட எங்க அண்ணி Ooty Vegetables Store, Shopping

Malls-ல  Vegetables பேரம் பேசி வாங்கமாட்டங்க...............


College Hostel-ல, நாகர்கோயில் seniors/juniors பார்த்தா ஒரு feel வந்ததா ?

Bangalore-ல வேலைப் பார்க்கிறப்ப தமிழ்நாடு பசங்களோட சேர்ந்துதானே


Off -Campus Interview போனப்ப , நீ படிச்ச college பையன recruit பண்ணுன இல்ல?

Golti, Mallu இதெல்லாம் யாரு வெச்ச பேரு தம்பி ? 

Facebook-ல ரஜினிகாந்த் fans member-ஆ இருக்கியா?                                                        

                                ஆனா,இங்கயே பிறந்து, இங்கயே இருந்துட்டு இருக்கிற நான் 

ஒரு சாதி உணர்வோட இருக்கறதா சொல்ற இல்ல ?ஒரு பெரிய குரூப்- 

உள்ளாடி தன்ன சின்ன குரூப்-ஆ சேர்த்து , ஒற்றுமையா தான் தம்பி, நாங்க 

வாழ பழகி இருக்றோம். அவங்க இந்த ஆளு , இவன் நம்ம ஆளு அப்படினு 

சொல்லுவோமே அது உணர்வு தானே தவிர வெறி இல்லப்போ...........................

பிரிவினை அரசியல் எங்க காலத்த விட உங்க காலத்தில தான் அதிகமா 

இருக்குது, தம்பி ...............

-------------------------------இன்னும்  அதிகமாகவே சொன்னார் அவர் 

மச்சி, Official e-mails அனுப்புரப்ப, Facebook  Status Update செய்றப்ப  ஒரு சில

வார்த்தைகளாவது அடுத்தவங்களுக்கு புரியாத vocabulary use

பண்ணணும்.அப்போ தான் பயலுக மிரண்டு இருப்பானுங்க..................................----

------------- 'Peter' PAUL


10 வருஷமா field-ல இருக்கிற Trisha-வ விட Diet Conscious-ஆ இருந்தது எங்க

அப்பத்தா தான்.

செவ்வாய் - முருகன் விரதம்

வெள்ளி    -   அம்மன் விரதம்

ரெண்டு நாளும் காய்கறி தான்,மாமிசம் கிடையாது.

சனி கிழமை ஒரு  நேர சாப்பாடு தான்.மற்ற நாலு நாளும் மீன் கண்டிப்பா.

அமாவாசை, பௌர்ணமி, முழு நாள் விரதங்களும் உண்டு. காலைல நிச்சயமா

Vit-D சூரிய நமஸ்காரம்.

என்ன அத அவுங்க , socio-religious,cultural practice அப்படின்ர பேர்ல செஞ்சாங்க.

TRISHA-க்கு Dietitian சொல்லி கொடுக்கறாரு.


மக்கள் நல்ல மனசாட்சியோட இருக்றாங்க....காசு வாங்கினா கட்டாயம் ஓட்டு

போட வந்துடறாங்க.....Election In-charge வந்து கேட்டாலும் காசே தரலைன்னு

சொல்லிடறாங்க... ......................

--------------------உட்கட்சி தேர்தலுக்கு ஆளுக்கு 200 ரூபா கொடுத்த வட்ட

செயலாளர் வண்டு முருகன்.  


Sunday, June 2, 2013

She Grows

                                                     3 YEARS AND 3 MONTHS

Saturday, June 1, 2013

மகள் புராணம்- II


 வீட்டில் இருக்கும் கருப்பு நாய்க்குட்டியைப்  பற்றி  என் அண்ணன் மகள் :

 " நான் தான்  BLACKAN Dog க்கு மம்மம் வைக்குறேன்,ஆனா அவன் 

என்னையே பார்த்து குரைக்கிறான்,ராஜூப்பா. நீங்க சீக்கிறோம் வந்து 

அடிங்க- ன " என்கிறாள் .


சென்னைக்கு யாரெல்லாம் வர்றீங்கனு கேட்டா  :  

" நான், அம்மா ,அப்பா, தாத்தா, அப்பம்மா, சின்ன மீ,பெரிய மீ, BLACKAN, Love 

Birds, குஞ்சு குருவி எல்லோரும் டிக்கெட் போட்டு சென்னைக்கு வர்றோம்ன " 

என்று வீட்டு ரேஷன் கார்ட்ல புதுசா ஆள் சேர்த்துக்கிறா.  

சின்ன மீ  ------> மொட்டை மாடில Concrete Tank ல வளர்க்கபடுற சின்ன மீன்கள்.

பெரிய மீ -------> Hall ல கண்ணாடி தொட்டியில வளர்க்கபடுற பெரிய மீன்கள்.

பெரும்பாலும் புத்தகத்தையோ செய்திதாளையோ படிச்சுட்டு இருக்கிற  

என்னிடம் :

"சும்மா சும்மா Paper படிக்காத சொன்னன்ல.வந்து ஏங்கூட விளையாடுங்க." 



இடுப்பில் கை, மடக்கிய  கால்கள், பாதம் இடிக்க அவள் பரதம் ஆட முற்படும் 

போது பரதநாட்டியம் HOD  Mr.நடராஜர் கூட அசந்துடுவார்.அப்படி Pose 



கோவிலுக்கு சென்று வருகையில் சாமிக்கு 'Bye Bye' சொல்லிவிட்டு , 

பிள்ளையார் சாமி ஏன் Silentஆ இருக்கு. அதுக்கு அவங்க அம்மா 'Bye Bye' 

சொல்ல கத்து கொடுக்கலையோ-னு    கேட்பாள் .


" நீங்க பண்றீங்கள,  அது மாதிரி " என்று சொல்லி,  'மொக்க பையன்' என்ற 

வார்த்தையை   சொல்லவும் , மொட்டை மாடியின் ஒரு படியில் இருந்து 

மூன்றாவது படிக்கு துள்ளவும் முயற்சிக்கிறாள். 

அவளுக்காகவே நான் சில யோக்கியத்தனத்தை கற்றுக்கொள்ள 


இறந்து போன என் தங்கையின் புகைப்படம் பார்த்து 

"அத்தை எப்போ போட்டோலருந்து வெளில வருவாங்க?  நான் அவங்ககிட்ட 

பேசனும். மொபைல் நம்பர்  சொல்லுங்க  " என்பாள்.



Saturday, March 23, 2013


           உங்கள் சித்தப்பாவின் இரண்டாவது கடிதம்.முதல் மடல் மூத்தவளுக்கு.இரண்டாவது இருவருக்கும் சேர்த்தே.


பண்போ ,பரிவோ


இனி எதை தருவதாய் இருந்தாலும் இருவருக்கும் சேர்த்தே தருவதாய் நாம் முடிவு செய்திருக்கிறோம்.ஒருவளை மட்டும் தூக்கி வைத்தால், என்னையும் தூக்குங்கள் என்று அடுத்தவளும் கைகள் விரித்து சொல்லி ,இரு கைகளிலும் எங்கள் எதிர்காலங்களை தூக்கும் சுகத்தை தந்ததால், இது நாம் எடுத்த முடிவு தான். அவ்வாறு தூக்கி, நாம் மூவரும் சூரியனை பார்த்த போது கண் கூசியது சூரியனுக்குமாக  இருந்திருக்கலாம் .அது வேற விடயம்.

கடிதம் எழுத முடிவாகிற்று,என்ன எழுதுவது? இந்த காரணத்திற்காக கடிதம் எழுதுகிறேன் என்று சொல்லி கடிதம் எழுதும் கட்டுப்பாடும்,வரைமுறையும் நமக்குள் இல்லாததால் எதையாவது பேசலாம் என்று நானே  முடிவு செய்திருக்கிறேன். உங்கள் முதல் வருடத்தின் இரண்டாவது பாதியில் உங்கள் நா பேச முனைந்த வார்த்தைகள் போல.

இன்று, இளையவளை சில நிமிடங்கள் கண்காணிக்கும் சுகத்தை ஏற்றுக்கொண்டேன்.தீக்ஷா, நீ அந்த சில நிமிடங்களில் சொல்லி கொடுத்த நித்திய சித்தாந்தங்கள் எத்தனை தெரியுமா.



எதுவாய் இருந்தாலும்

அந்த கணம் தான்.

உன்னை மனம் குளிர்ந்து சிரிக்க வைக்க எந்த செலவும் இல்லை. தலைக்கு மேலாக,கைகளால் தூக்கினால் போதுமானது.கீழிருந்து மேல் போகும் போது சிரிக்கிறாய்.மறுபடியும் இறங்கும் போது சிரிப்பு சிறைபடுகிறது.அழுகையும் அப்படிதான்.

புதிதாய் ஓர் இடம் நீ கண்டால், உன் மகிழ்ச்சிக்கான மதில் சுவர் இருந்ததாய் நான் பார்த்திடவில்லை.அவ்விடத்தில் இருக்கும் பொருள்களும் அதற்கான சிறப்பும் உனக்கு மட்டுமே தெரிந்திருக்கிறது.ஊர்ந்து போகும் எறும்பு முதல் .............................................

அந்த நிமிட வாழ்க்கைக்கு உங்களை யார் பழக்கியது.என்னால் தான் இதை செய்யமுடியாமல் போகிறது.இறந்த காலத்தின் சோகம்.கோபம்,பகை,சூழ்ச்சி,
துரோகம்,காயம்,தோல்வி எதையும் மறக்க முடியாமலும், வருங்கால வாழ்க்கைக்கான சுகம்,பதவி,பொருள்,வசதி,நிம்மதி என்று முடிவு பெறாத தேடல்களிலும் எங்கள் நிகழ் காலம் எங்களிடமே அடமானமாய் இருக்கிறது போலும்.நீங்கள் தான் இதை என்னக்கு சொல்லிக் கொடுக்கிறீர்கள்.

உங்கள் வாழ்க்கையோடு

நானும் தொடர்வேன்....

The Less spoken

                                   In an attempt to record the simplest events of common people around and particularly in my milieu, I am presenting this article. I did not attempt to cogently organize this work and is just conflating different events in sequence.

                                               Young Auto-rickshaw Driver
                                    As like many other commuters, I also have a conviction that whenever I wish to board an MTC bus, there would be a gridlock or the bus-driver would be excessively slow or some neo-liberalists would protest for a petty matter. As like them, I too do not want any rationality or the spirit of inquiry to contest my claim. Hence many a time, I would access the alternative transport service providers--- the share-auto-rickshaws. The minimum governmental regulated price for boarding an auto-rickshaw is 14 Rs for 2 kilo-metres. But legality and practicality are often contradictory or apparently is accepted to be so. So I have to pay 15 Rs for boarding a share-auto-rickshaw for travelling less than 2 km, only to access the nearby sub-urban railway station.
                              As usual, I did not see any MTC bus one night and with no other options around, had boarded a share-auto-rickshaw. Share-auto became one, only when I shared the driver seat. The driver appeared to be a young fellow in his early 20’s and was so demanding when he said “NIGHT CHARGENAA 20 RS SIR, ILLANNA IRANGIDUNGA..”
                                When we had just started, the driver saw another auto-rickshaw stranded in the road and he decided to tow it. The guy did not seem to have any necessary paraphernalia to tow the vehicle and I was really anxious to see how that guy would tow the vehicle. To my surprise, the guy steered his vehicle to the side-left of the stranded auto-rickshaw and put his stretched leg on the back of it and thus accelerated both the vehicles at the same speed. No physics lab experiment could help me understand the Newton’s I law but this adventure. Both the vehicles were accelerated to the same speed and whenever some other vehicle crosses, the ‘towing’ leg would be pulled back. This adventure had lasted up-to the nearest petrol bunk and only then I re-gained my breath.
                              In our short conversation, the guy said “anna, ithellam assaultnaa…I had towed a vehicle in the similar fashion from Madipakkam to Sriperumbudur, to consult an auto-mechanic.”                      He himself declared that the drivers used to repair their vehicles only in particular workshops and for that they would even travel long. The auto-rickshaw races we often hear about are not between individual drivers but between auto-garages usually, he averred. No worry about the demands of any situation, he would send his vehicle to no other garage, he declared.
‘anna, enginelaam pakkaavaa tune panirukreaen..My vehicle would fly like a jetna..”
                           He seems to belong to the ‘racing tigers’ club which was spelled as “rasing tigers” at the back of his vehicle. And I ‘know’ he was a good guy since he had collected just 15 Rs from me.

                                                               A newspaper boy-vendor
                              I guess my newspaper vendor boy is an employee and not self-employed. The boy used to ‘throw’ the newspapers from the ground floor to the first and second floors. That too in the second floor he had to throw 2 newspapers to two neighbourhood houses. The mannerism with which he would throw the paper is so unique. On the fly from his bi-cycle, he would ‘throw’ the paper to the first floor. For the II floor, he would throw it so that it hits the front wall of the house and falls on the corridor. The next paper would suddenly be whisked then.
                           The boy said he had never missed to rightly position the papers and said he would even throw papers to the III floor. “YAARUNAA 3 MAADI VARAIKKUM YERI POI PODRATHU….mokka velainaa….”, he declared. Gratification and luminescence are conspicuous in his face when I enquired about his ability to accurately locate the paper. ‘payapulla, VETKAPATTAN….’
                                  Free elementary education was promised as a fundamental right even in the 1928’s Motilal Nehru Constitutional report and over 80 years had elapsed since but the right is yet to be made completely operational. So what?
                                                                 Tender-coconut THATHAA
                                 What purpose would you use a sickle? Or do we actually use it now? My mom uses it to husk the fibrous shells of coco and my sister-in-law wouldn’t use coconut unless it is husked. But a tender-coconut vendor declared that it could be utilized when someone intrudes on our home.

To be continued.......

IAS Exam-Proposed pattern change is discriminatory

                           The UPSC has recently modified the examination pattern for Civil Services Examination, popularly known as IAS examination. Though there are many welcome aspects in the new pattern like more emphasize on general studies, inclusion of moral and ethical values etc the system also has some inherent discrepancies in the name of new regulations. This article exclusively deals with those aspects only as I had found a great deal of mainstream media, both broadcasting and print, concentrate on its positive aspects.
                       Hitherto candidates are permitted to appear in the second level examination, the essay type - Mains Examination, in any language of their choice from amongst the scheduled languages (22 languages in the Schedule-8 of the Indian Constitution). But in the newly announced pattern this is restricted to those candidates who had completed their graduation in those respective languages only. This would certainly impact the professional graduates who appear in Civil Services Exam (CSE) like engineers and doctors as there are a very few colleges that provide such degrees in regional languages.
                         If we take the case of Tamilnadu, only a few years back the State has introduced engineering graduation through Tamil medium and not a single batch has passed out since. The case of arts and science colleges is not much encouraging. Hence it is obvious that students would opt for English medium during their graduation even though they would have had their schoolings in their mother tongue. This would be a de-facto case for students from government run higher secondary institutions, which are predominantly Tamil medium based. Such candidates when they appear for CSE would have a natural proclivity towards their mother tongue and hence a ‘mother-tongue medium’ propensity becomes perforce in the examination.
                        Exacerbating the worries, the new pattern has a new restrictive regulation that ‘a minimum of 25 candidates should opt for a specific language medium for answering the question papers in that language medium. In case there are less than 25 candidates opting for any approved language medium (other than English or Hindi), then those candidates will be required to write their examination either in Hindi or in English only.’ And the rationale for this numerical restriction enumerated in the notification is ‘in the interest of maintaining the quality and standards of examination’. Constitutionally every citizen of India is obliged to develop a scientific temper and the spirit of inquiry, and I find it excessively difficult to fathom such a rationale and its numerical connectivity.
                   This numerical restriction when compounded with the requirement that ‘regional language as a CSE medium only if graduated in that regional language’ would entail that no one would be able to write the examination in any regional languages, for the want of minimum number of candidates. Hence a literature (say B.A Telugu literature) graduate who would have possibly had his graduation in his vernacular language would not be able to write the examination in his vernacular language because not enough candidates might appear in the CSE in his language. As he had had his graduation in a vernacular literature, he might not apparently excel in English and the only other choice is Hindi. What if, if he is a Tamil? Hindi is conspicuous by its absence in Tamilnadu . So neither he can write in Tamil nor in Hindi. This might make a B.A Tamil graduate to look out for a carrier other than the prestigious civil services. The case may be true for all non-Hindi speaking candidates also.
                   Also we have another regulation that only those candidates who had graduated in the literature of a language can opt for the literature of that language as his optional paper in CSE. So the term optional subject becomes fallacious now. The demands of a majority sections of the non-Hindi speaking people that the questions in the preliminary level have to be set in regional languages too, in addition to English and Hindi, or are to be set only in English are also not heeded to for some reasons. All put together it appears ostensibly that this modified examination pattern, discriminates non-Hindi speaking candidates from the Hindi speaking one.
                Finally, I wish to refer to some of the provisions of the reverent institution of Indian Constitution. According to Article:16(1), the state has to  provide equal opportunities to its citizens in matters of public employment. An Official Language Commission has to be set up by the President to look into matters related to official language and the commission shall have due regards to the just claims and the interests of persons belonging to the non-Hindi speaking areas in regard to the public services while giving recommendations, according to Article:344.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


                                                   BUDGET 2013
                                   Some time back my only obsession in budget would be about the income tax slabs and some of the commodities especially electronic gadgets. However in my current capacity with a little theoretical knowledge about financial institutions, I wish to present my views about the Budget 2013-14.Please show some leniency on my naiveties but don’t forget to point out them.

                               I have the proclivity to look out for numbers at the outset in any budget than the policy statements and their concomitant procedures. Hence containing the fiscal deficit (FD) within the promised revised estimate of 5.3% of GDP would be acceptable though the budget estimate was targeted slightly lower at 5.1%. FD refers to the total financial liabilities of the government mobilised through external borrowings from resources outside India and the internal borrowings mainly monetised through sovereign bonds dealt with by RBI.
                             But the fact that the total sovereign debts had been steadily raising and have reached over 50% of the GDP is an ominous caveat which is quite obvious from the data that over 25% of the revenues are raised through debts. I have never seen my mother relying on meeting over quarter of our household expenditure through credits from others. But this is a political reality in a re-emerging economy like ours with a great deal of inequalities both social and natural resources.
                            With not sufficient fuel resources in the country, the dependency on crude oil is enormously large and would be so for a longer period till an Indian surplus fuel alternative is identified. The bureaucratic red-tape procedures and the associated delay in awarding clearances of the energy sector projects when supplemented by the over-envious private sector motivated to increase profit at any cost as seen in the Krishna-Godavery Natural Gas basin and the over-enthusiastic socio-natural activists opposing development projects make dependency on import of energy resources like coal, crude oil incumbent. Hence we have no alternative but to import energy resources which entails larger dependency on foreign currencies.
                          Increase in imports when compared to the exports would increase the Current Account Deficit (CAD). The widening CAD which is indirectly a measure of foreign exchange demand in the economic system makes foreign investment inevitable and the announcements like allowing Foreign Institutional Investors to invest in Debt funds and rationalising portfolio investors are aimed at increasing it. The other source for meeting the CAD is through external commercial borrowings (ECB). So increase in ECB would be a reality considering the current scenario reduction in FII and FDI.  
                      And the Finance Minister had attempted to create an impression as if he has generously provided each ministry with increased funds though the fact is that the increased allocation is with respect to revised estimates (RE) and not the budget estimate (BE) 2012-13.Never wonder we are able to achieve the 5.3% FD target by having a dent on the planned expenditure for about 20%(about 1 lakh crore rupees) compared to the BE-2012.
                       Reduction in Plan Expenditure is akin to my mom withholding expenditure on my educational and health needs without convincing me to reduce my pocket money or denying me a vacation trip. Planned Expenditure would help in boosting productivity by vesting the citizenry with necessary physical infrastructures like transport, irrigation, communication facilities etc and social infrastructure like health, education etc which are necessary for continued employability. Non-plan expenditure includes the maintenance expenditure like running the administration, subsidy etc.
                     Also to his comfort he had called reference to the RE and BE without consistency. For allocation under Food Subsidy, his increased allocation is with respect to BE but to RE in majority of the cases. So it is all about juggling with the numbers for his convenience. The financial and other administrative ministries apparently are ready to appropriate money through supplementary and additional grants which is evident from the larger gulf between BE and RE and also the actual estimate. BE refers to the estimates of revenue and expenditures as initially planned and presented to the legislature for a financial year whereas RE refers to the revised estimate that is modified BE reflecting the recent realities of the ongoing financial year. Fiscal adeptness entails closeness of the financial estimates with the reality.
                        Sector wise, I would rate the proposed plans for agriculture as the most convincing one as good deed know no periodic restrictions. The allocation for crop diversification in the Green Revolution rich areas which had become ecologically vulnerable with increased land salinity and reduced water table level is a ‘delayed’ welcome step. And ideals of extending green revolution in the Eastern areas should keep in mind the sustainable agriculture practices. Promotion of nutrition rich fortified grains in nutrition deficient areas would have to be carefully persuaded.
                 The above prospective plans in agriculture could well be read as the governmental effort of wide-basing its skewed food grains basket which is in favour of wheat and rice.  It is also a positive step that government has promised to create a fund(5000 Cr INR) for promoting decentralised storage of grains at the panchayat level. While total production of food grains is over record 250 million tonnes for the successive years recently, we have seen increasing cases of malnutrition too in the recent times. This paradox could be sternly dealt with through decentralised construction of storage facilities preventing stress selling by farmers for want of storage options and also is an indirect acknowledgement of the role of Panchayat Raj Institutions.

                               But with every penny allocation opens the window for corruption which when compounded with bureaucratic insensitivity makes the total effort futile. The allocation of agricultural loans reaching landlords with agricultural farm house lands and large farm-hold farmers are manifestations of unclear technical procedures and insensitivity. A PSU bank employee promised to provide me with a jewel loan at 6% if I could submit an agricultural land tax chellan even in someone else’s name. Hence procedural formalities of the ambitious allocation of 20000 cr INR for Rural Infrastructure development and 5000 cr INR for rural housing have to be reflective of the needs and the realities with sensitivity to the needy poor.

                              Efforts have been made to create positive investment climate and to boost manufacturing by reducing or parting off the customs and excise duties in textile and traditional handicrafts industries,aircraft MRO(Maintenance,Repair,Operation) machineries and by providing with 15% investment allowance for investments over 100 cr INR in plant and machinery. Ideals of establishing Semi-conductor wafer fabrication is certainly positive so that indigenisation in defence or electronics actually is indigenous.

                               Also the prospects of 10000+ buses to be purchased for improving urban connectivity would be welcomed by commercial vehicle manufacturers. Here the requirements have to be carefully drafted such that the vehicles are accessible to the differently abled persons and the old aged who together constitute over 25 cr of Indian population and thus the promised universal access is complied with.

                            The allocation of 5000 cr INR to SIDBI to refinance Micro Small and Medium Industries would provide relatively easy credit access to MSMEs which contribute over 40% of Indian exports and employment opportunities. But the demand for relaxation of capital norms that would qualify one as a MSME defined very earlier in the past is not heeded to and warrants a re-look reflecting the inflationary tendencies and the value of plant and machineries.

                       Physical infrastructural announcements like new ports, Industrial corridors would provide impetus to investments and also help in increasing productivity. Road Regulatory Authority(RRA) envisaged to be set up is a reflection of the mis-management of PPP mode of road and highways construction contracts and have to be appropriately empowered to deal with dilatory, low service quality in addition to swiftly granting clearances for such projects. The discretion with which the contractors collect user fee for accessing roads and the lack of accountability and transparency in such contracts are matters of immediate concern to the RRA.

                     Renewable energy enthusiasts are enthused by the declaration of generation based incentive for wind energy but the desperate financial situations of the state run power distribution companies(Tamilnadu Discom has over 50000cr INR loss) responsible for purchase of the grid connected power would make them cynical. It is a well known fact that under-pricing of electric energy in order to woo prospective electorates on the one hand and paying at higher rate for private power generators without invigorating public power generation capacity at the other hand are quintessential mal-administrative reasons for such a whopping loss.   

                           Details of the 1000cr INR Public Sector Women only bank are not out and without personnel sensitivities and procedural simplicities, this proposed institution would become redundant. Also is the of 1000cr INR for women safety and security for which details are un-known. Similarly 1000 cr INR for National Skill Development Corporation aimed at imparting employability skills would be fruitful if realistically drafted, to meet the ambitious 10 crore new jobs in manufacturing sector and to facilitate the transition from agriculture to skilled and semi-skilled jobs smoothly. And there is no doubt about the bourgeois interest in inflation-indexed investment schemes as an alternative for non-productive gold, for which the details are to be announced.

                        In the revenue front, the target of 55000 cr INR through PSU disinvestment and allowance of 50000 cr of tax free infrastructure bonds are too idealistic estimate considering the performance in the recent years. The increase in surcharge for super-rich and the excise increase for certain commodities would mobilise extra 19000 cr INR only and hence the ambitious target of reducing FD within 4.8% of GDP is possible only through repeating this year’s tactics or by strictly following the words of Finance Minister himself that it is up to the individual ministries to deliver outcome through good governance,fiscal prudence,close monitoring and swift implementation. Rationalisation of Centrally Sponsored Schemes that entail redundant personnel structure at the states’ level is a step in this direction.

                                    Also the estimated reduction of subsidy by 25000 cr INR ostensibly would be attempted through reduction in fuel subsidy which certainly impact larger sections of vulnerable people. Duel pricing of diesel and domestic LPGs could well be attempted with safe precautions. And a mere allocation of 10000 cr INR for Food Security which would be a political trump card for UPA government is a clear indication that the promised right would not be vested in the immediate future. In food subsidy bill, a reduction of 5000 cr INR from the RE 2012 is planned which seemed to have been decided without considering the actual realities and with governmental ideal of providing food security.

                  Hence I would consider this budget as an attempt to strengthen the macro-economic indicators however without giving up the political demands for wooing the prospective electorates like farmers, women and youth.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Your honour,I dissent

                Legislature, executive and judiciary are the constitutionally defined main branches of Indian Polity with clearly demarcated and obviously balanced roles and responsibilities for each one of them. However the lackadaisical manner in which the inherent authority is exercised by the constituents has resulted in a great deal of cases flooding the judiciary and ensuing reliance of the judiciary even on governance matters. The fact that landmark legislations like Right to Information (RTI), Right to Education (RTE) had its origin from the judicial efforts is a clear vindication of the aforesaid observation. Added to this is the fading independence, if not lack of it and ineptness of the same institution in some of our neighbouring countries, which make our judiciary highly venerable and even sacrosanct some times.
With paramount reverence to this institution, I wish to dissent on certain recent observations and assertions of the judiciary and also appeal it to enlighten me on the below.
1.      A Public Interest Litigation (PIL) related to the nomination of Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar as a member of Rajyasabha of our Parliament is rebuffed by the apex court saying the applicant does not have Locus Standee in questioning the ground under which he is nominated as a member. Under Article 80(3) of Indian Constitution the President is empowered to nominate to the Rajyasabha, persons having special knowledge or practical experience in such matters as art,science,literature and social service. To a general public like I, Tendulkar does not fall under any of the grounds mentioned above and we are really obliged to know under what ground is he qualified to become a nominated Member of Parliament so that we shall understand the particular provision of Indian Constitution and abide by it.

2.       Part of the provisions of Article 124(2) reads as follows:

“Every judge of the Supreme Court shall be appointed by the President by warrant under his hand and seal after consultation with such of the Judges of the Supreme Court and of the High Courts in the States as the President may deem necessary for the purpose……. ”

A general reading of the above provision to comprehend it would never end up in interpreting it in such a way that the Judges of the Supreme Court are to be compulsorily consulted without the equivalent importance to the Judges of the High Court and of the opinion of the President. When such a passage is provided in any of the academic or competitive examinations to assess the comprehending aptitude of the candidate, no credit would be given for such an understanding. Nevertheless I do also admit there is certainly a difference between the layman perspective of viewing this and the view of subject matter experts with the latter like Supreme Court Judges having the role of Constitutional Interpreters.

But nowhere in any democratic society the judiciary itself seems to be vested with the authority to appoint its judges at the higher levels without due consideration to the executives who are the actual representatives of people. Does it not derogate the Constitution and its checks and balances?

The Supreme Court did not allow a PIL related to the above ‘Collegium’ method of appointment of Supreme and High Court Judges quoting no locus standee of the applicant that raises the question what engrosses public interest?

Shouldn’t a general public have interest in understanding the provisions of the Constitution thereby to abide by it which itself is a fundamental duty (Article 51A(a)) as declared by the same reverent institution.

3.      With respect to disputes related to Inter-State Rivers shouldn’t the judiciary take upper hand in ensuring the member states comply with its orders and decrees rather than advising them to go for political solutions? 

      Can’t the judicial leverage of not being subjected to populist sentiments unlike the other political establishments be utilized to ensure that constitutional and national integrity is never disturbed? When the member states fail to comply with many of the pronouncements shouldn’t it invoke necessary legal provisions that would uphold its inviolability? Executive non-compliance if not reprimanded would ultimately belittle the law abiding ones and goes against equality of treatment. 

4.      When the judiciary takes suo motto notice of many irregularities in Indian polity attempting to upkeep probity in public life and private rights, what internal reforms did it carry out when former judges resigned at the brink of being removed from office by Parliament? When legislative provisions to remove Chief Justice of a High Court were initiated he was transferred to North Eastern India from Peninsular India. What does that mean?

5.      Please help me to fathom what involves contempt of court as there are subtleties associated with the critical understanding of any judgement and contempt of court. Personally I feel perturbed in understanding this nuance and many a time end up in not speaking up fearing of contempt of court, as freedom of speech and expression is subjected to reasonable restrictions.

Your Eyes but My Views

Dear Kiddos,     Another letter from Rajuppa. Wait, wait, wait.  I think I should stop using Rajuppa while writing letters to you, for I h...